How to Manage Stop Words

How to Manage Stop Words

This Help Guide will explain how to manage your Stop Words on your eAssessor Pro Platform.

Stop Words is an automatic bot/system that allows the system to report any potential bad words included in Assessor Feedback, Messages, etc to you and will allow you to make a decision based on the content.

This guide will explain how to access and manage the Stop Words page in eAssessor Pro.
1. Log Into your Admin / System Admin Account.
If you have forgotten your account password, "Click" Forgotten Password?

2. Go to Admin in the left-hand sidebar, then "click" Stop Words.
You may need to scroll down in the sidebar to see this option.

3. This page shows all messages and assessor feedback items that potentially contain stop words. Using Filters you can view reports within a specified date range.

4. 'Click' the Settings button on this page and this will take you to the default stop words list to manage.
DISCLAIMER - Please read before continuing.
This list contains graphic & adult language which people will find 'offensive' and 'disturbing'.
Please proceed to this page with caution!

5. Once here, you will see the currently list of blacklisted words that if mentioned in either an Assessor's feedback, Messages, etc. The system will report this on the 'Report' page previously.
To add new words to this list, insert each word into a new line, like such:
  1. This
  2. Is
  3. An
  4. Example
List blurred for protection.

6. Once a word has been detected mentioned on the platform, this will make a new report of this on the 'Report' page.

7. Once a report is generated, you can see from the blurred text, what the system has picked up on from the stop words, and from here you can see the feedback, or message this was mentioned in so you can do a thorough investigation of this.

8. Then from here, you can make a decision on this report by 'Clicking' on the Decision button in the 'Actions' Column.

9. From here you can process the report by selecting a Status and putting any required Notes in the Notes box.

Then process & save this report by 'Clicking' the Save button.

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