How to create, amend and allocate groups

How to create, amend and allocate groups

This help guide will explain how to create, apply and report on Groups from a System Admin account. Groups can be used to categorise learners based on a number of criteria e.g. cohort, subject area, employer etc. and can be reported on.

Visit your eAssessor Pro platform & log into your System Admin Account.

1. Log Into your System Admin Account.
If you have forgotten your account password, "Click" Forgotten Password?

2. Navigate to the "Admin" drop-down on the sidebar.

3. From here, "Click" on the Reference Data tab.

4. From here, "Click" Groups.

5. This will then show a list of existing groups on your platform. To amend an existing group, click on its name.

6. When editing an existing group, you can amend its name, its code (the label it will use when appearing in reports), or change its status (active/inactive). Once any changes have been made, "click" Save.

7. To create a new group, "click" the Add Value button on the right-hand side of the page.

8. Enter the new group's name and code, then "click" Save.

9. Groups can be allocated to learners in a number of ways. When creating a new learner, the option to add groups will appear when allocating their course and tutor.

10. To add groups to existing learners, go to the Learner Search or Course Search pages.

11. To allocate groups in bulk, tick beside the learners you would like to apply groups to.

12. Using the Actions menu in the top-right hand corner of the page, "click" Add to group from the Action dropdown.

13. Select the groups you would like to allocate. You can select multiple groups. Once this is done, "click" Apply.

Note: allocating groups from the Learner Search page will apply those groups to all selected learners' course enrolments (e.g. if a selected learner is doing both Data Protection and Cyber Security, those groups will be applied to both enrolments). To apply groups to only one enrolment, allocate groups from the Course Search page instead using the above method.

14. Once groups have been applied to learners, the Learner Search, Course Search and Unit Search pages can all be filtered to show learners belonging to specific groups using the Filter Options on the right-hand side of those pages.

15. The Learner Progress Report (found under the Reports tab) will also show learners' groups. 

16. Groups are also available in the Report Builder as additional columns. They can be added to the Learner, Course or Activity tabs.
For more information on how to use the Report Builder, please see the following helpguide: How to use Report Builder (

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