Assessor Guidance - Marking

Assessor Guidance - Marking

Marking a learner submission

This help guide will explain how to mark a learners' submitted work

1. ‘Click’ on Outstanding Submissions
This indicates how many units you currently have waiting to be marked, in the example below, the assessor has one unit to be assessed

2. This will display the Unit Search screen
However, the view will already be filtered through the Current Status field to show Submitted
NOTE: This will only display learners allocated to you as their assessor

3. If you hover over the abbreviated headings in the table, the system will advise the meaning for them, they are as follows:

     L.S.D.              Last Submitted Date
L.M.D.            Last Marked Date
N.O.S.             Number Of Submissions

4. ‘Click’ on Mark underneath Actions, next to the relevant learner submission

5. This will take you to the Marking area
Underneath this in the white frame is the unit number and title of the unit. Below this is the Overall feedback box, where you can type in the feedback for the unit.
On the right-hand side of the screen is a history of the learner’s submission for this particular unit and the status of each.

6. There is space for your feedback underneath each answer, complete if required and ‘select’ either passed or resubmission from the Outcome drop down menu, then move to the next answer.

7. If you need to save what you are working on, you can scroll to the end of the marking area, and ‘click’ on Save. It will update the history log to confirm the save has been successful and display a notification advising Record Saved.

8. You can now log out of your account, or ‘click’ on Home, to go back to your dashboard.
To continue where you left off, you can ‘select’ the entry from the Outstanding Submissions area and ‘click’ on Mark.

9. When all answers have been marked either as a pass or a resubmission, ensure that the overall feedback is completed, then ‘click’ Submit.
(Once all answers have been marked, the Submit button will change colour – amber if a resubmission and green if sending for verification)

10. Once submitted, it will take you to the Activities view for the learner, with the updated status of the unit and display a notification advising Record Saved.

Marking a Resubmission

11. ‘Click’ on Outstanding Submissions or Latest Submissions.
NOTE: If you use the Latest Submission area, and 'click' on an entry, this will take you directly to the marking area (step 14)

12. This will display the Unit Search screen.
However, the view will already be filtered through the Current Status field to show Submitted / N.O.S. (Number of Submissions) if greater than one, indicates it's a resubmission

13. ‘Click’ on Mark underneath Actions, next to the relevant learner submission.

14. This will take you to the Marking area.
Underneath this in the white frame is the unit number and title of the unit. Below this is the Overall feedback box, where you can type in the feedback for the unit.
On the right-hand side of the screen is a history of the learner’s previous submissions for this particular unit and the status of each.

15. History area explanation - red arrow indicates which submission you are currently viewing.
If you 'click' on the date and time that is underlined, this will display the submission for that date

16. Follow steps 6 through 10 for guidance on marking the submission.

17. When marking submissions, you will also have the option to delay your feedback to the learner using the Feedback Date box.

18. To delay your feedback to a specific date, enter the date on which you would like the learner to receive feedback in the Feedback Date box, then click Save. The system will then automatically either pass or refer the assessment back to the learner on that date.

19. You can view any assessments with delayed feedback from the Unit Search page, using the Delayed Feedback filter. Setting this filter to Any will include assessments with delayed feedback in the list of outstanding submissions.

20. Submissions with delayed feedback will then show appropriately in the list of submissions. The Status column will include additional information on when their feedback will be released.

21. To change when delayed feedback will be released, click the Mark button. The Feedback Date can then be amended from the marking page, or removed if you would like to pass/refer the assessment immediately.