1. From the login page enter your email address and password, as provided in your welcome/enrolment email. Then click the login button.
2. Once logged in, the home page is
displayed. This will show all courses you are currently enrolled on.
3. Click View Details.
4. The course content will be displayed with a list of all units.
5. Click on the arrow down button, this will expand the course unit and show all of its activities.
6. Click on the Assessment link and the Assessment page will be displayed.
7. Once the assessment has been accessed, the
assessment page will be displayed.
8. To answer questions in the assessment, click
on the Answer button beneath the question you wish to answer.
9. To answer the question, click inside the text
box and type your answer.
10. To insert a link/edit a link in your answer click on the link icon.
11. The Insert / Edit link pop-up window will then be displayed.
12. Enter the URL (the website you would like the link to lead to) and the text to display (this is how the link will appear in your answer), then click the Save button.
13. Once the link has been saved it will appear in
your answer.
14. Once you have completed your answer click the save changes button.
15. Once the save changes button has been clicked
your answer will be saved.
If you wish to make any changes to your answers, click the Answer button beneath any previously completed answers. This will display the answer box
again and you can make any required changes.