This guide will cover how to complete the quiz as a learner in CareersPro.
1. Click Get Started.
2. Provide your details, confirming they are correct, then 'click' Next.
3. Answer the question on your current education, selecting either A-Levels or Vocational Course.
4. If you have selected A-Levels, provide additional information on your current year, what you are currently studying, and if you plan to go to university.
If you do not wish to answer these questions, click Skip at the bottom of the page.
5. If you selected Vocational Course, provide information on what you are currently studying, then click Next.
If you do not wish to answer these questions, click Skip at the bottom of the page.
6. Answer the question on whether or not you would consider studying for a degree. Answer Yes, No or Maybe.
7. Answer additional questions on your past education. These questions will vary depending on your highest indicated level of education.
For example, indicating 'None' will ask you to provide a list of any qualifications you hold. Indicating either GCSE or A-Level will ask you to provide specific subjects and grades.
8. Provide information on your employment history by typing in the boxes.
If you do not wish to provide this information, click Skip.
9. Click Start Quiz.
If you want to search for a specific career instead of having them recommended to you by the quiz, use the box beneath Start Quiz to search for your chosen career and then click Go to Career.
10. Complete the careers quiz by choosing between two career options. Click the career that you would prefer.
11. Once you have finished the quiz, click the qualities you look for in a career. Select at least two qualities, then click Continue.
12. Select your preferred careers based on the qualities you indicated in the previous step.
If you do not wish to do this, or none of the listed careers appeal to you, click Skip at the bottom of the page.
13. You will then be provided with your results. Click Explore under any of the listed careers to learn more about them.
14. When viewing a career, you can explore specific pathways by clicking the View pathway button under each of them.
15. To have your results emailed to you, click the Email Results button at the top of your results page.