How to export all learner details

How to export all learner details

This guide will cover how to export all learners' details as an admin in CareersPro. This will allow you to view information on all learners including their names, email addresses, and their quiz completion status. It will also show any additional information you may have included when creating their accounts (e.g. department, course name, age group).

This allows you to report on your overall platform rather than viewing career quiz results for individual learners.

1. Log into CareersPro using your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, use the Forgot password button on the login page to reset it.

2. Scroll down on the main dashboard to User results. This will list all learners currently on your CareersPro platform.

3. Click Export User details. This will download the report as a CSV.

4. The full report will include information such as the learner's name and email address (columns A-C), any additional columns included when they were created such as department and age group (columns H-M), as well as their current quiz status and their results (if applicable).

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