1. Access the platform from the login page.
2. After logging in you will be taken
to your home page. This will show all courses you are enrolled on.
3. To start your course click the View Details button.
4. To access your course materials, click on the drop-down arrow for your chosen course unit.
5. Once clicked, that unit will expand and allow you to access your learning content.
6. Click the title of your learning content to access it.
7. To start your course click on the Start Course button. This will take you to the introduction of your learning materials.
8. To perform a search in your learning materials,
click the magnifying glass displayed in the side menu.
9. Once you have clicked the magnifying
glass, you can perform a search within your course materials. Once you have
typed what you are searching for press the enter key on your keyboard.
10. Once
you have pressed the enter key, the side menu changes and the search function finds all references to the search
you have entered. The search will highlight the specific content you are
looking for. To search on the other content found just click on the next occurrence from the side menu.
11. To cancel your search click on the cross 'X' in the search box.