1. Log Into your System Admin account on your platform.
If you have forgotten your password for your account, Click on Forgotten Password?
2. Once logged in, "Click" on the Admin Drop-down.
3. Click on 'Courses'
4. From here, you will see a list of courses on your platform.
5. Find the course you wish to set payments for, and 'Click' the Units button.
6. Once in the course unit overview, 'Click' the 3 Dots of the unit you wish to set payments for.
8. Then 'Click' edit.
9. Once on the edit page for the unit, scroll down and you will see the Client Unit Options.
10. From here you can enter the Tutor Marking Rate for this unit in the 'Marking Rate' box.
4.2 equivalates to £4.20
11. Then you can enter the Moderator Rate in the 'Moderation Rate' box
12. Once entered, 'Click' the Save button.
Once these payments are added for units on a course, when a Tutor or Moderator completes that unit, you can then process their payment on eAssessor Pro.
13. Go to the Admin drop-down.
14. Then go to 'Manage Payments'.
15. From here you will be able to see all units from all learners, and see the current Tutor and Moderator status of that unit.
16. You can use your filters on the right to only filter for 'Finished' units.
17. Once filtered, to process a Payment, you will see either a Tutor button, a Moderator button, or both depending on what is completed.
If only the Tutor button is shown, this means the unit has been marked, but not Moderated. and vice versa for Moderator. However, if both are shown, this means both the Tutor and Moderator have finished this unit.
18. Once clicked you will be taken to the processing page, where you can see all information about this unit.
19. To see how much this assessor is due, look at the Payment Due box.
20. From here, enter their payment into the 'Amount paid' box.
21. Enter their payment date into the 'Payment Date' box.
22. Enter a Reference for this payment if you wish to also, this will make it easier to report on.
23. Once ensured all information is correct, 'Click' the Save button to process this payment.
24. Once pressed this will process this payment, and will not allow for any changes once processed.
25. This will then also update the information on the 'Manage Payments' results.