This help guide will explain how a Quality Manager user can assign units to their moderators.
1. To get started, log into your Quality Manager account on your platform.
If you have forgotten your password for your account, Click on Forgotten Password?
2. To begin assigning units for Moderation Click on Quality > Moderation.
3. Once here you will see all assessments on your platform, whether they are submitted or not.
4. You will be able to see the current state of the assessment by looking at the headings and fields.
5. In order to moderate a unit, you must first select a unit for moderation. To do this, click the Tick Box beside the Learner(s) name you wish to moderate. This will then select those learners and a new Actions box will appear in the top right.
6. From here, click the Drop-down on the action box, and 'Click' Select to assign moderation.
7. Select which Moderator you would like to moderate the selected units, then click Apply.
If no moderators have been allocated the learners/courses you have selected, the drop-down list of available moderators will show as empty.
8. For the units that are marked and ready to be moderated, these will appear immediately on the moderator's home page for them to action.